Systemic – Vocabulary

Systemic Definition: Relating to a system. Example: It was systemic abuse of power from the government. Teacher’s Note “You can use “Systemic” to talk about a system or something that…

Shielded – Vocabulary

Shielded Definition: Protected from something. Example: He was shielded from the rain thanks to his umbrella. Teacher’s Note “If you are shielded from something, it can’t touch you or affect…

Timing – Vocabulary

Timing Definition: Choosing the right moment. Example: Timing is about being at the right place at the right time. Teacher’s Note “There are many occasions when you might want to…

Temptation – Vocabulary

Temptation Definition: An attractive or appealing activity. Example: There is always the temptation to eat the ice cream in the freezer. Teacher’s Note “Using “temptation” is a great way to…

Tension – Vocabulary

Tension Definition: Stress or when something is uncomfortable. Example: After the argument, there was tension in the room. Teacher’s Note “This is a great word to learn because it can…

Helmet – Vocabulary

Helmet Definition: Something that protects your head. Example: The boy wore his helmet while riding his bike. Teacher’s Note “A helmet is a crucial part of safety particularly when riding…

Blueprints – Vocabulary

Blueprints Definition: The design for something. Example: The blueprints for the house were detailed and ready to go. Teacher’s Note “Blueprints are common in architecture and they show how something…

Oven-ready – Vocabulary

Oven-ready Definition: Ready to cook in the oven. Example: The food was oven-ready and was quick to cook. Teacher’s Note “This is, of course, commonly found on food and particularly…

Play – Vocabulary

Play Definition: A performance in a theatre. Example: The play was performed by brilliant actors. Teacher’s Note “A play is something that you might wish to go and watch in…

Renovations – Vocabulary

Renovations Definition: Big changes or updates to a structure. Example: The couple made some serious renovations to their house. Teacher’s Note “Renovations are changes that can be made to any…

Fence – Vocabulary

Fence Definition: A barrier between two spaces. Example: The fence showed the boundary between the two gardens. Teacher’s Note “A fence is a standard garden word for houses that have…

Driveway – Vocabulary

Driveway Definition: A space where you park your car to keep off of the street. Example: The driveway was at the side of the house. Teacher’s Note “A driveway is…

Quip – Vocabulary

Quip Definition: Something that someone says as a joke. Example: She made a quip at the birthday party that sounded quite rude. Teacher’s Note “This is a great word for…

Bagpipes – Vocabulary

Bagpipes Definition: A musical instrument traditionally played in Scotland. Example: They had music played by bagpipes at the wedding. Teacher’s Note “A word to describe that crazy noise you hear…

Blogging – Vocabulary

Blogging Definition: Writing an article online about a subject. Example: Blogging is a good way to advertise a product or service. Teacher’s Note “”Blogging” comes from “Web Logging” and has…

Mouth-To-Mouth – Vocabulary

Mouth-To-Mouth Definition: An emergency treatment to save someone’s life and help them breathe again. Example: They pulled the swimmer out of the water and gave him mouth-to-mouth. Teacher’s Note “This…

Overload – Vocabulary

Overload Definition: Too much of something. Example: The teacher spoke quickly which meant an overload of information for the class. Teacher’s Note “You may have heard the phrase “information overload”…

Billboard – Vocabulary

Billboard Definition: A big advert by the road. Example: The billboard showed a picture of a new drink. Teacher’s Note “This is a word that you might not use much…

Outdoor – Vocabulary

Outdoor Definition: Outside of a building. Example: There are lots of outdoor activities to do by the lake. Teacher’s Note “This is a great word to talk about anything that…

Literature – Vocabulary

Literature Definition: Something written down and explained. Example: The religion had plenty of literature to study. Teacher’s Note “This word is a good word to describe a variety of written…

Outlet – Vocabulary

Outlet Definition: An activity to help release energy. Example: Their art is an outlet for their creativity. Teacher’s Note “This word can be used in many different contexts and has…

Unifying – Vocabulary

Unifying Definition: Bringing two or more objects or people together. Example: Football can be a unifying sport. Teacher’s Note “This is another word that is great for your vocabulary in…

Adjacent – Vocabulary

Adjacent Definition: Describing something that is next to something else. Example: His house is adjacent to the red one. Teacher’s Note “This is a more complex word that you won’t…

Amateur – Vocabulary

Amateur Definition: Describing something that is not professional. Example: Amateur tennis is fun to play. Teacher’s Note “This is a word that you will see often with sport. You can…

Rattle – Vocabulary

Rattle Definition: A baby’s toy that they shake. Example: A rattle is not appropriate for older children. Teacher’s Note “A rattle is a toy that is for very young children…

Toy – Vocabulary

Toy Definition: An object that children play with. Example: When he was younger, he had more toys. Teacher’s Note “This word is relatively self-explanatory. Parents will need to know it…

Contact Lenses – Vocabulary

Contact Lenses Definition: Small lenses that replace glasses. Example: She wore contact lenses to play sport. Teacher’s Note “This is a great word not just for those who wear glasses…

Smiley – Vocabulary

Smiley Definition: Describing someone who smiles a lot. Example: The waitress was very smiley. Teacher’s Note “You may not see this word often but it is a lovely way to…

Exhausting – Vocabulary

Exhausting Definition: Describing something very tiring. Example: The marathon was exhausting. Teacher’s Note “This is a way to talk about a tired feeling that is more extreme than simply being…

Intentionally – Vocabulary

Intentionally Definition: Doing something on purpose. Example: She slammed the door intentionally. Teacher’s Note “When you use this word, you might be talking about the manner in which something was…

Self-Conscious – Vocabulary

Self-Conscious Definition: Being overly aware of yourself. Example: He is very self-conscious about his weight. Teacher’s Note “This word is great to use when you are discussing mental health. If…

To Take – 18 Phrases in English

The more phrases you know, the better you will be able to speak naturally in English. Here we have “To Take – 18 Phrases in English” to show you how…

4 English Words For Privacy

When you are online, it is very important to take care of your security and your privacy. In today’s connected world, you may need to secure your business or home…

7 Great English Words For TOURISTS

If you are going on holiday or looking to travel in an English country it is great to be able to use the right vocabulary. When you travel to The…