Plural Form – Mans or Men

Instead of: Mans We say: Men Teacher’s Note The plural form here cannot be added by simply adding “s”. In this case, the correct plural form is “men”.

Word Choice – 500 sheets or 500 pages

Instead of: 500 sheets We say: 500 pages Teacher’s Note The natural word choice here is “pages”. These are the individual pieces of paper inside of a book.

Quantifiers – Much or Many

Instead of: So much vegetables We say: So many vegetables Teacher’s Note In this case, “vegetables” is a countable noun and as such we need to use “many”. “Much” is…

The Past Simple – “To Eat”

Instead of: I eating We say: I ate Teacher’s Note This event happened in the past and so it should be “I ate” instead of “I eating”. This is a…

The Second Conditional – “To Tell”

Instead of: If they left, I tell them We say: If they left, I would tell them Teacher’s Note To form the second conditional, we use the past simple after…

To Hide – Simple Past

Error: THEY HIDED Correction: THEY HID Reason The past participle of “to hide” is “hid”. The past simple is formed by adding the past participle of the main verb to…